Wills and Estate Planning in Ohio

Planning for the precise disposition of your assets upon your death is generallyhandtree not the first item on most to do lists.  However, if you are concerned about your estate and the future security of your family, you owe it to yourself and to your family to consider an estate plan and discuss these important matters with one of our will attorneys.  No matter the size of your estate, many options are available to accomplish your estate planning goals.  If you need assistance with an estate, one of our estate attorneys or estate lawyers is always available to guide you through the probate process.

Our estate attorneys and will attorneys aim to provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about your loved ones’ future.  Soles Law Offices provides a comprehensive estate planning practice including representation in the areas of probate, guardianships, wills, living wills, general durable powers of attorney, healthcare powers of attorney and trusts.  Whether you are planning for the future of your estate, the care of an aging parent, a trust for a loved one with special needs, or are involved in a dispute over the validity of a will, we have the expertise and knowledge to assist you in these important matters and look forward to helping you in any way possible.

Contact a North Canton, Stark County, Ohio estate planning attorney today at Soles Law Offices.


We strive to achieve the highest level of professionalism and have an established reputation for outstanding service, dedication and results. Our attorneys look forward to helping you with any legal need you may have.

Contact a Canton, Stark County, Ohio attorney today at Soles Law Offices.

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