Ohio Litigation Attorneys

Effective litigation requires a high degree of skill, experience and judgment.  In many cases, the best strategy is to resolve disputes without the risk or expense of trial. That is why we explore suitable opportunities for early resolution in every case through mediation, arbitration, or informal settlement, with trial being the last, but sometimes necessary, solution. Our attorneys are aggressive, thorough, and practical in our approach. Our litigation attorneys are prepared to litigate a case from inception through trial and on to appeal if necessary in both state and federal courts throughout Ohio.

Whether a case involves a simple contractual matter or a complex multi-party action, our litigation lawyers find practical, real-world solutions for our clients. Soles Law Offices represents a variety of businesses and individuals, including private corporations, manufacturers, distributors, developers, financial services companies, banks, technology companies, franchisees, professionals, brokers, agents, directors, officers, partners, investors, shareholders and small businesses of all types.  We take pride in the fact that we provide the same degree of service to all our clients, regardless of the size of the business or the problem.

Our litigation attorneys have significant experience assisting clients in all aspects of corporate and commercial litigation and dispute resolution.  We have extensive experience litigating a broad range of claims, including:

Appellate matters
Breach of Contract
Buy/Sell Controversies
Construction related disputes
Copyright Infringement
Creditor’s Rights and Collections
 Employment Disputes
 Fraud and Misrepresentation
 General Business and Commercial Disputes
 Insurance Coverage Disputes
 Intellectual Property Disputes
 Landlord/Tenant Disputes
 Non­-Compete Agreements
 Partner/Shareholder Disputes
 Personal Injury
 Probate and Trust
 Product Liability
 Real Estate Disputes
 Secured Transactions (UCC)
 Tortious Interference
 Unfair Competition
 Wrongful Death

We look forward to assisting you in any dispute you may have.
Contact a Canton, Stark County, Ohio litigation attorney today at Soles Law Offices.


We strive to achieve the highest level of professionalism and have an established reputation for outstanding service, dedication and results. Our attorneys look forward to helping you with any legal need you may have.

Contact a Canton, Stark County, Ohio attorney today at Soles Law Offices.

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